Edited on Sun Nov-13-11 02:20 PM by UTUSN
(The "link" is to Mistah KURTZ's circus where the news was revealed.)
First, for those too young, during Coup 2000 some scurvy Shrub scumbag mailed "debate books" used for Shrub's strategy/practice sessions prepping for the debates to GORE's campaign. This would be some kind of booby trap thing. Of course, the honorable Dem campaign crew immediately turned in the junk.
But when the sainted Saint RAYGUN was running, besides the treasonous October Surprise, somebody in his crew of flying monkeys got hold of President CARTER's debate books, which somehow ended up in the mitts of one RAYGUN flying monkey by the name of George F. WILL. Who did NOT turn them in right away without looking at them, but rather, studied up on the Dem strategies to be gleaned there.
So now it turns out his wife is a GOODHAIR flying monkey. It's not the conflict of interest that surprises me. It's that Debate-Books WILL enjoys the reputation of being an intellectual on the wingnut side where such things are frowned upon.
Yes, spouses/families don't always agree in politics, but assuming that this particular couple do, whatEVER would possess somebody with pretensions to intellectualism choose GOODHAIR as the vessel of one's aspirations for the well being of the nation?!1
Is it a Billy "William" KRISTOL kind of a thing with Dan QUAYLE, being the spy-game thrill of being the real power behind the throne occupied by a malleable DUNCE?!1 What is it?!1