The FBI described the device, which was found hidden along the parade route just a few hours before the parade was to start, as having been an improvised bomb with a remote trigger, loaded with shrapnel and capable of multiple fatalities. They are treating it as an incident of domestic terrorism.
Add it to the list of "isolated incidents" and "random nuts." Like the one who attempted to assassinate a member of Congress, killing 6 other people in the process. Or before that, the one who murdered Dr. George Tiller. Or before that, the ones who conspired to kill some police officers.
These "isolated random nuts" are far from isolated, and anything but random. Even if you don't believe that there is a direct link between the violent political rhetoric coming from the right, and these acts, one has to recognize that there is a pattern of escalation here, both in the attempted targets and in the desired body count. The nuts are getting bolder, and more dangerous, and they're being egged on by a political climate that says violence directed at "those people" is not just okay but necessary--the government, the liberals, the baby-killers, the Muslims, the coloreds, the queers, all the "others" who they hear railed at every day, the people they're told are destroying their America.
It's been said before, and it has to be said again--there are people on the right who are actively encouraging this kind of climate, knowing the results.