from the
New York Observer:
A piece in the Staten Island Advance today describes former Staten Island congressman Mike McMahon "laying the groundwork for a comeback" by passing out a detailed spreadsheet at a liberal Democratic club explaining why he lost to newcomer Michael Grimm .
According to McMahon, "Obama voters"—those who traveled to the polls for the first time in 2008 and helped turn the seat Democratic—failed to materialize in 2010.
"The 13th Congressional District is fertile ground to get more activists out to vote," McMahon told the members of the Gaeta Democratic club. "We need to get back the congressional seat, the Assembly seat, the district attorney's seat."
I wonder if the fact that he
voted against Health Care Reform had anything to do with "Obama voters" not turning out...
(I was one of his early financial supporters in 2008, and told him personally, on the cusp of the HCR vote, that my support would be gone if he voted "no")