He's gonna "take-on" pension reform.
I have a "sinkin' fillin'' ( thank you, Ricky Ricardo) that working class people are going to get LESS as a consequence of said "reform"... and that the NYC moneyed elite are going to get *more*. I don't know *why* I feel that way...call me crazy.... I just *do*.
>>>Bloomberg also pushed his plan to reform teacher hiring practices so that layoffs can be based on performance, not just how long a teacher has taught.>>>
Groan. Not this again. Now children... listen carefully, one more time: in NYC, longevity is scaled to *salary*. When the city fires senior teachers and replaces them with newbie teachers it SAVES MONEY. Dinero. Greenbacks. You know, the thing that Mayor Snowplow has 30 billion of?
This is a "reform"? On what planet?
>>>>>But Bloomberg drew glares from United Federation of Teachers President Michael Mulgrew when he suggested that the city could save money by firing higher paid, longer-serving teachers and keeping on lower paid, newer teachers.
"They didn't discuss any of this with us," an angry Mulgrew said following the speech.>>>>
And... ahem....the effect on the school system? Who cares. It won't effect Bloomberg. It won't effect Klein. It won't effect Black, Obama, Gates, Caroline Kennedy or Davis Guggenheim ... or virtually any other prominent school "reformer". Why? Their kids were, or are tucked away in fancy private schools. You know 10 kids to one teacher? 35K plus per year?
And they say this is not a class issue.
>>>Read more:
http://www.dnainfo.com/20110119/manhattan/bloomberg-takes-on-pension-reform-state-of-city-address#ixzz1BXAtyBbt<<<< No thanks. I read enough.