Christian Network Accused of Racial Bias
LOS ANGELES (CN) - An African-American minster claims Trinity Broadcasting Network harassed him after he published a book on religion and fired him when he complained. The Ethiopian-born minister claims the harassment "included comments from his supervisors regarding his 'kinky hair' and telling him to 'go back to Africa where his family is starving.'"
Asfaw Berhane says Trinity Broadcasting Network, a Christian network, hired him in early 2003 for its prayer department, and that he was a "capable and exemplary" minister.
According to his Superior Court complaint: "Berhane was harassed and discriminated against almost immediately after beginning his employment with TBN, but things became more intense in or around August 2008 when Berhane published a book about religion. TBN immediately retaliated and discriminated against him and suspended him for two weeks. Before Berhane published the book, he received permission from the Vice President of TBN. In addition to being suspended, Berhane incurred more than $16,000 in fees to re-edit his book."
Berhane's attorney Michael Justice told Courthouse News: "My client filed suit in response to the devastation of having put so much work into the Trinity Church - not only his time and effort but a lot of himself. To have that taken away from him really hurt him, emotionally, economically and in every way."