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Gimme shelter: OWS

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hyphenate Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-15-11 07:11 PM
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Gimme shelter: OWS
So no tents. So they have to leave at night. So why can't one of our rich benefactors (like Warren Buffett) find a nice place near Wall Street, and buy it, and let the demostrators have a place to sleep? It would certainly be in their best interests as well, to keep the pressure on Wall Street, and show that not all billionnaires are sleazebags, and that some are actually on the good side?

I think there is a lesson to be learned in such a move, and a positive one for those on the side of the people. And I think we need more lawyers to take up the cause and push forward into the future. I would even think that setting up two shifts, one from about 5 am to 4 pm, and another from say 3 pm to 2 am would be enough to keep the Occupiers on message, and obeying the law to give up the camping in the Park.

I know there needs to be a more detailed look at the actual law in NYC, but a move as public as this would really be a boost and a way to piss off the 1% that are keeping the 99% from expressing their views.
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MADem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-15-11 07:32 PM
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1. Didn't OWS NYC pull in a half million dollars in donations?
Why do they need a rich patron? They've got money--rent a place. Wire it up with computers, a space for a TV studio, and hold virtual meetings and live broadcasts in decent light. Put in a phone bank for the non-geeks to call and get info. Start coordinating things that the media WILL cover, like picketing Congressmen's offices in their home districts and permitted marches with a specific theme.

After awhile, a bunch of people screaming at police in the dark of night about tents starts to look like same-old, same-old.

Many people do NOT need a place to sleep--they have a place. Some of them can offer part of their floor to their compatriots, or OWS NYC could use some of that half million to partner with storefront churches and see if they'd let people sleep in their churches in relative warmth at night for a small contribution. A lot of those churches are falling on hard times, themselves--if people were polite and well behaved and didn't trash the place, they might be able to work somethingout.

Take it to the next step. Stop worrying about being allowed to put a tent in a city park. Get back to championing economic justice and fighting corporate/government corruption. This park stuff is getting lame, IMO. The more it goes on, the more OWS's initial purpose is fading away into nothingness.

That's my take.
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1776Forever Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-15-11 07:37 PM
Response to Reply #1
4. I am with you! I think they can make just as much or more impact doing that as they are now! Rent
the space if they have too! Maybe someone has a warehouse type building they could share!
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WillyT Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-15-11 07:33 PM
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2. K & R !!!
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Fire Walk With Me Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-15-11 07:34 PM
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3. It has to be done in public so that it cannot be ignored.
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