,-Mike-Bloomberg?via=siderecentTUE NOV 15, 2011 AT 04:00 PM PST
Special Comment: The Hero Of Occupy, Mike Bloombergby Keith Olbermann
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My Special Comment tonight on Countdown will trace Bloomberg's forebears in over-reach and under-thought: everybody from Mayor Daley of Chicago, to Governor Rhodes of Ohio, to Joe McCarthy, and George Grenville.
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Who else but a cliche like Bloomberg could take a protest beginning to grow a little stale around the edges, and vault it back into the headlines, complete with mortifying scenes of police dressed up as storm-troopers, carrying military weapons, using figurative bazookas to kill figurative mosquitoes?
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Who else but a cartoon like Bloomberg could have become rich creating a multi-billion dollar media company, and then authorize illegally preventing reporters from witnessing police actions he claims were utterly legal, and then authorize the arrest of four reporters at a Church?...
Who else but a hypocrite like Bloomberg could have overridden by backroom-deal with the New York City Council, the results of two separate referendums limiting those in his office to just two terms as Mayor, so he could serve a third term, and then had his police arrest, beat up, and incarcerate, a member of the New York City Council?...