TUE NOV 15, 2011 AT 04:00 PM PST
Special Comment: The Hero Of Occupy, Mike Bloomberg
byKeith OlbermannFollow
You heard me.
In any other context, I'd be calling on Michael Bloomberg to resign as Mayor of New York. The ham-handed handling of Occupy Wall Street by Bloomberg and his minions, from its first week to last night, reflects the kind of short-sightedness and ignorance of this country's laws, history, and principles, that can truly only be offered by a man with an obscenely large amount of money and an obscenely small amount of conscience.
But history tells us that the dumber The Establishment gets, the more obvious its repression becomes, and the more popular it makes the movements it seeks to crush. In short:
Democracy has been protected, not merely by the strenuous efforts of those of us who cherish it. But mostly, and most profoundly, by the limitless stupidity of those who would ration it, keep it for themselves and themselves alone -- or destroy it.
My Special Comment tonight on Countdown will trace Bloomberg's forebears in over-reach and under-thought: everybody from Mayor Daley of Chicago, to Governor Rhodes of Ohio, to Joe McCarthy, and George Grenville.