from YES! Magazine:
Why We're Not Afraid
A documentary filmmaker, spoken word artist, and occupier has a message for "the powers that were."by Velcrow Ripper
posted Nov 15, 2011
To the powers that be: sorry to hear you are so full of fear, that with violent disregard for democracy, you felt compelled to bulldoze the heart of the people’s park of parks into the ground. Last night's raid of Occupy Wall Street was a disgrace. Altogether lacking in grace. Claiming it was a health hazard is a ruse that's been in use since the eviction of Martin Luther King's version of Occupy—"Resurrection City," back in 1968. To be said with an incredulous New Yorker's accent: 'And your tear gas isn't a health hazard?'
Just what is it you are so afraid of? Is it because you realize that your “powers that be” are in truth “the powers that were”? That the corporate pyramid scheme you are trying so desperately to prop up is reaching the end of its road? Sorry for the inconvenience, but we're changing the world. We are here to offer something new. Don't fear us—join us. Celebrate this arising of hope, possibility, and community.
We are discovering that true power is shared power.
We are creative, we are adaptive, we are resilience itself. You can cut this branch but a thousand more will grow. All you are doing is building up our immune system. As a new Occupy protest song by the Hawaiian singer Makana goes "We are the many, you are the few." And could you but realize it, you are Us too. We are the 100% and we're not going anywhere. ..........(more)
The complete piece is at: