Phase II is where you go fuck yourself Posted by The Editors under Uncategorized
Sen. Diane Feinstein writes letters:
I am increasingly dismayed by the delay in completing the Committee’s ‘Phase II’ investigation into intelligence prior to the Iraq War. As you know, the Committee voted unanimously on February 12, 2004 to investigate five questions on pre-war intelligence, including use of intelligence by policymakers. Nearly eighteen months later, much work remains before these questions will be satisfactorily answered.
In addition to the terms set out early last year, the Committee should address the significant issues raised by the so-called ‘Downing Street Memo’ – whether the ‘intelligence and facts were being fixed’ to support the policy of using military force against Iraq. This claim raises serious questions about the use of intelligence, and whether intelligence resources were unduly focused away from other priorities in order to provide additional – and as we have found, flawed – intelligence on Iraq.
It would also be my preference to include in Phase II any new revelations concerning the CURVEBALL case since the Committee’s first Iraq report.
It is important that the Committee complete its study of these questions, both to fulfill our oversight responsibilities and because there is no other body capable of doing this work. The Committee’s report assessing the intelligence on Iraq ’s WMD capabilities was of outstanding quality and demonstrated both our ability to inform the American public and uncover needs for intelligence reform. I urge you to take whatever steps are needed to complete the Phase II investigation and produce a report as comprehensive and thoughtful as the first phase of the Committee’s investigation. I stand ready to participate in this investigation in any way possible. ------------
Yeah. Um, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there’s not going to be a Phase II report. There was no Earthly reason not to handle all the intel issues in one report, but you agreed, for reasons that remain unclear to me, to give Bush the political cover he wanted and not force any questions about just what the fuck was up with all that aluminum tube bullshit. There were too many issues to deal with? Give me a break. There appeared to be ample time for endless, pointless panty-sniffing around Joseph Wilson - for some reason, the issue of whether some guy who wrote a critical editorial is a bad person could get addressed right away. Were we lied into war? That question can wait forever, apparently. Bullshit.
Democrats, clue in: “I’ll gladly pay you Thursday for a hamburger today” is not a good deal. Hamburger stands don’t work that way, because it’s not a good deal. So stop agreeing to it. Fucking figure it out. If the Republicans wanted two reports, let Phase I deal with the issues of substance, and let Phase II be an in-depth Congressional Intelligence report exclusively devoted to concerns that Joseph Wilson is a bad man who squeezes the toothpaste tube from the middle or whatever. You got chumped, chumps. They chumped you chumps again.