But I'm willing to bet that they would be willing to pay for the cleanup of the mess they made of the parks when they see Wall Street made to pay for the cleanup of the mess they made of Main Street.
On a related note: Have been Googling about the collapse of the Russian economy in the late 1990's, our near collapse in 2008 and the current economic troubles in Europe. One name keeps coming up time and time again: Goldman-Sachs (along with names like Larry Summers, Robert Rubin, etc. (all Goldman-Sachs execs). I don't think this is a coincidence, when when you have the same "perp" showing up at three different crime scenes.
I'd call for the Federal Reserve or the Treasure Dept. to investigate but guess who's been running them for the last couple of decades (right, Goldman-Sachs execs). I see an ominous evil pattern here.