This is an important time to discuss what is known as an “agent provocateur” – which is a French term for “inciting agent.” It is a tool used by police and/or intelligence agencies, as a way of disrupting and discrediting a social movement. Although an “agent provocateur” can, in theory, be used in a positive manner to help to disrupt the activities of a group such as the Ku Klux Klan, in the recent decades in America, the concept is more closely associated with the oppressive actions known as “COINTELPRO.”
“COINTELPRO” was the FBI's frequently illegal “counter-intelligence program” that targeted, among others, the Civil Rights movement, the American Indian Movement (AIM), and the anti-war/student organizations in the Vietnam era. Lead by Director J. Edgar Hoover, the program sought to surveil, infiltrate, disrupt, and discredit those organizations that were deemed “threats” to the war machine. The program had a number of tactics for accomplishing these goals, with the “agent provocateur” being one that could coordinate the others.
During this general period, the Nixon administration proposed what was known as the Huston Plan. As I've shown previously, the Huston Plan was actually parent to Dick Cheney's “Patriot Act.” The idea was to have local, state, and federal police agencies – in cooperation with military intelligence – participate in the surveillance, infiltration, discrediting, and often violent disruption of targeted groups, which were frequently doing little more than exercising their Amendment 1 rights.
Among the best-known documents from that era was Director Hoover's March 4, 1968 memorandum, outlining a strategy “for maximum effectiveness of the Counterintelligence Program, and to prevent wasted effort, (in which) long-range goals are being set … (to) prevent the coalition of militant black nationalist groups ….(and) prevent the rise of a 'messiah' who could unifuy, and electrify, the militant black nationalist movement. Malcolm X might have been such a 'messiah'....”
But Malcolm had been murdered in Harlem in 1965. Officially, the police and courts ruled that he was the victim of a plot by the Nation of Islam. However, it is known that one of NOI leader Elijah Muhammad's top aides was an FBI agent. More, during the weeks before his murder, and indeed upon the very day, Malcolm's inner circle had been infiltrated by Gene A. Roberts. (Photos of the scene show Roberts bending over Malcolm's lifeless body on the stage of the Teresa Hotel.)
In January of 1969, Black Panther John Higgins was murdered at UCLA; Gene Roberts would serve as a member of the Black Panther Honor Guard at Higgins' funeral. Later that year, at the “Panther 21” trial, Roberts was a prosecution witness; it was then revealed he was a long-time member of the New York City Police's Special Services – a department which had ties to local, state, and national police forces, as well as to military intelligence.
Roberts was forced to admit, while being cross-examined by defense attorneys, that had supplied guns to the Black Panthers, and that he had advocated numerous illegal and violent actions. For sake of this discussion, Gene A. Roberts will serve to illustrate the tactics used by agent provacateurs in general.
Not all agent provocateurs are police officers (or military persons). Many are criminals who are working for the police, in order to earn favor – especially to avoid legal consequences for crimes they have been caught for commiting. In times past, these individuals were called “narcs,” “rats,” etc. It is important to note that a large percentage of criminals adhere to what is known as the “criminal code of conduct.” Their actions are “anti-social,” but they tend to frown upon two sub-species of criminals: the sex-offenders, and the “rats.” The “rats” do not have any loyalty to any other living being, hence, they are not only willing to “squeel” on others, but they have no problems with causing violence. This lack of conscience is, of course, a sure trait of sociopaths.
In todays complex society, with all of its tensions, there are variants of “agent provocateurs” that include those unintelligent right-wing folks who try to infiltrate an internet site such as this; pretend to be very left-wing; and then seek to disrupt and/or discredit the forum. Such fungus are not to be taken seriously. (There was one here many years ago, who pretended to be an attorney who had been a victim of the FBI program, but who could not even spell “COINTELPRO.” Gracious!)
Michael Moore's classic film “Fahrenheit 9/11” included information about a sheriff's deputy who infiltrated an anti-war group on the west coast. There was a clip showing one of the group's meeting, in which the most radical action they engaged in was sharing cookies that one member had baked. (Lucky for them, it wasn't brownies.) Without question, the local, state, and national police agencies are keeping track of those today who oppose the corporate criminals/war machine.
In the past, I have posted information here documenting how the US government organized the predecessor to the CIA, by recruiting intelligence agents employed by the oil industry in this country. It should come as no suprise that, in an era with Erik Prince, that there are many forms of “private” intelligence services. Some are contract agencies such as Blackwater, while others are within larger corporations, including our friends, the energy incs. Last week, I posted a link to an article documenting how gas corporations are using “PSYOP” (psychological operations) and “PSYWAR” (psychological warfare) in communities where there is significant opposition to hydro-fracking. The gas industry leader quoted in the article referred to environmentally-aware citizens as “insurgents.”
I can say with less than zero chance of error that agent provocateurs have attempted to infiltrate the OWS movement. This is not to say that every individual act of law-breaking was the work of Maxwell Smart or CHAOS. There are people who are frustrated and angry, who may have acted out. But that is the point: with the current coordinated efforts to “evict” OWS communities from public parks, etc, (and these evictions are being coordinated by a much higher level than the mayors who order them to be carried out, though I am in no sense excusing these mayors), the agent provocateurs are being tasked with attempting to incite frustrated and angry citizens to behave in a manner that they would not otherwise.
Like many other “elders” on this forum, I've had lots of experience with agent provocateurs. Some with the anti-war movement; some on Native American issues; some in environmental advocacy groups. I have no problem in admitting that as a young man, a couple of them fooled me. Keep this in mind: a smart person learns from others' mistakes; most of us have to learn from our own; and fools just don't learn much at all. So, be alert. Be awake. Be aware. That tough-talking fellow who advocates lawlessness and violence is not a friend of OWS. He isn't your friend, either.
H2O Man