Warren Buffett: 'My Class Has Won' And 'It's Been A Rout'There is so much more I wanted to type, but want to leave it succinct and to the point. Today has been a bad day for the People of America. From so many protestors being forced out, to police destroying vast amounts of personal property along with their violent tendencies, to judge swapping, 'the powers that be' are resolute in their desire to crush dissent against their massive corruption in the world.
Last night the NYC police and other organizations sought to end OWS. Last night they destroyed thousands and thousands in property, hard drives on laptops, and other "debris", to remind this country of what TPTB think this country has forgotten - that it may be ten years past September 11th and the control that "fear" brought them, but they still are in vast control even with a Democratic President, as Buffett announced a few days ago with it being a, "rout" against the people.
If you feel the way I feel, then you feel disgust deep within that this is going on. We wish for our president and all the organizations that he has influence over to do something on behalf of the people, but, that is not looking so good (Eric Holder who?) - and yet - the other side of the coin is the rabid - literally insane ideas - of people like Ron Paul, Rick Perry, Herman Cain, and Michelle Bachmann. Seeing them out-spew each others vile promises in debate after debate makes it imperative they not win!
I just feel a sickness seeing all of this bad news...
We need something good to happen, we need some hope.
Is it hopeless to believe that this president has a chance against such a disgusting group of Republicans who are out to destroy this country and cause tens of millions of us so much grief and suffering, enough so, that they can get his popularity is in the 30's so he will lose next year? But, when we want him to speak out against things it seems he is okay with what is going on around us, which is the common complaint of people I hear from that no longer support him who once did. A relative of mine said he wants to be liked by those in power, so that he fits in, and they're a lifelong liberal. It is all enough to make me truly at odds with what I feel about everything involving "politics". Is there any good news to be gleamed from this sad day?

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