If Obama Moves Right He Loses Everybody -- and Everybody LosesRichard (RJ) Eskow - Consultant, Writer, Senior Fellow with The Campaign for America's Future
Posted: January 19, 2011 09:02 AM
The latest Democracy Corps/Campaign For America's Future poll http://www.ourfuture.org/report/2011010318/democracy-corpscaf-poll-jobs-and-economy on jobs and the economy has a clear message for the president and his party: Stand up for jobs, and protect Social Security and Medicare. The results couldn't be clearer. Yet it's still rumored that the president's State of the Union will emphasize deficit reduction over job creation, and the White House has refused to assure worried Democrats that the president won't also propose cuts to Social Security.How many polls will it take to convince the White House that this is political suicide? How many expert analyses will it take to persuade them that its premature to make deficits the priority when the country desperately needs jobs and economic growth?
The latest poll is based on interviews with 1,480 people who voted in 2008, and was conducted January 9 - 12. It strongly reinforces the findings of earlier polls:
Voters overwhelmingly want their government to emphasize job creation and economic growth over deficit reduction, and they are opposed to cutting Social Security or Medicare. The bottom line? The president's in danger of moving in a direction that will lose everybody he needs. Literally every demographic group he and his party needs will be alienated by a right-leaning set of policies.Here's how the picture looks today, by demographic group:
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