(WSAU) Almost 6-of-every-10 Wisconsinites who responded to a new poll said they want Governor Scott Walker recalled -- and a growing number of them are Walker's own Republicans. 58-percent of almost 500 respondents to the Wisconsin Public Radio-Saint Norbert College survey said the governor should be removed -- and only 38-percent said he should stay. Back in April, it was 48-to-47 to keep Walker. But with a five-percent error margin, that was a statistical dead heat.
Wendy Scattergood of Saint Norbert College said 24-percent of Republicans in the new poll favor recalling the governor -- up from just 7-percent last spring. Scattergood said most Republicans who want to recall Walker tend to be younger and less educated than others, and they're also less conservative.
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How much Koch money and lies and cheats and voter suppression will Scott need to overcome an almost 60/40 deficit?