Many who support OWS have wanted to keep politicians away from the movement. The problem is, if we don't use our existing political structure to bring about reform, we start down the path of revolution, and revolutions rarely end up where they were intended to go .
Many of us here on DU have defended Obama for years pointing out that he has to work with a COngress dominated by Republicans and DINOs. The numerical majorities didn't matter when a minority could block legislation buy gaming the rules and the right wing of the party watered down the legislation before it ever hit the floor.
So now my question is this: if you want politics to change, what are you willing to do to change it? We've seen the example of Wisconsin and Ohio. What would it take for us to put real Democrats into office in our towns, our cities, state houses and Congress? The name of this web site is Democratic Underground, not "All politicians and all political parties are corrupt and evil and politics is a dead end when it comes to progress" Underground. The 1% may have the money, but the 99% has the votes. We just need to get our voters to the polls and ensure their votes get counted.