Nov. 15, 2011
"Either he hasn’t done his homework or he’s putting politics ahead of the best interest of our nation’s veterans."____ Proposals like Romney’s have been overwhelmingly opposed by veterans organizations, and on Friday, the Veterans of Foreign Wars once again made clear that it does not support privatizing veterans’ health care. The Veterans Health Administration delivers the best health care in the world and as an integrated health care system, does it at a lower cost than the private sector ever could. Even partial privatization with a voucher system would drive up costs and undermine veterans’ care.
It’s disappointing, but it’s not surprising to see this kind of rhetoric from Romney. He has proposed a plan that would privatize Medicare and slash Social Security. He’s proposed more tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires while opposing payroll tax cuts that give the average working family a $1,500 break.
In his attempt to gain the support of conservative Republican primary voters, Romney has endorsed plans that would pull the rug out from under seniors and middle-class families in Iowa, and if he stands by his proposal to privatize veterans’ health care, he’ll be pulling the rug out from under the men and women who have bravely served our country.
While Romney is working to dismantle services for our veterans, President Barack Obama is working to strengthen them. Obama understands that our commitment to the men and women in the military doesn’t end when their service is up . . .
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by DemRapidResponse on Nov 15, 2011
DNC VIDEO: "MITT ROMNEY: Our Veterans Deserve Better"