,0,5971930.story?track=rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+latimes%2Fnews%2Fpolitics+%28L.A.+Times+-+Politics%29&utm_content=Google+FeedfetcherWhite House window damaged after shooting on National Mall
By Michael A. Memoli
November 16, 2011, 9:21 a.m.
The U.S. Secret Service is working to determine whether damage to an exterior window of the White House is linked to a Friday night shooting near the Washington Monument, after bullets were discovered at the presidential mansion Tuesday.
The Secret Service's Uniformed Division, Washington's Metropolitan Police Department, the U.S. Park Police and other law enforcement agencies continue a joint effort to locate 21-year-old Oscar Ortega-Hernandez, based on evidence recovered from a vehicle found in the 2300 block of Constitution Avenue near the National Mall on Friday night after reports of shots fired near the Washington Monument.
In a statement, the Secret Service said that a round of ammunition discovered Tuesday at the White House has not been conclusively linked to the Friday incident, and that an assessment to the exterior of the White House is ongoing. The shooting took place between 700 and 800 yards from the White House.