Edited on Wed Nov-16-11 07:08 PM by Zorra
Actually, I do see some value in attempting to present the President with a petition that should make him aware of our concerns, because he rarely or never seems to acknowledge these concerns publicly, so we'll try this way, this time. Hello? Mr. President...?
But he can note our concerns, and address congress publicly about these concerns.
I fully understand that he can not, himself, take legislative action through his office to address these concerns.
I hope I have made that clear enough. I'm sorry if this last seems condescending, but I seem to be able to make what appear to me to be clear, direct, honest statements like that, and some folks will somehow not understand them, and they will obtusely come back again with the very same argument that I already clearly addressed. This is very important to most of us. We are in the streets, all over the country fighting for these concerns to be addressed. These concerns are now in the media every day. We are being beaten, gassed, and jailed for trying to have our concerns addressed. We feel that our 1st Amendment Rights are being trampled in this process. It appears that City, State, and Federal legislative and law enforcement authorities may be colluding to abridge our first amendment rights and to physically harm us as well. This is very serious.
Yet the President apparently continues to ignore our concerns. We really want to hear from him on this issue. For him to talk to us about it. At length. Clearly, honestly, and specifically.
I have no more, or no less, respect for the President than I do my next door neighbor. He puts his clothes on and takes a dump every morning just like we all do. Authority does not cow me, nor generate undue respect in me, in the least. He's just another person to me, the same as me. In fact, he is our employee. Many folks, including myself, would like to hear the President directly and publicly address Congress with the our concerns about the influence of wealth in our government. On the big stage, from the most powerful bully pulpit in the world.
This is not, by any stretch of the imagination, an unreasonable request, given the state of the nation.
A nice little Fireside Chat, perhaps, explaining the importance of ending privately funding campaigns and why Congress will never pass critical legislation regarding campaign finance and lobbying. We want total candidness and sincerity. Truth. Clarity. Transparency. Straightforward, specific communication. No smoke, no vague references that might or might not have something to do with the issue at hand,, no doublespeak.
Honestly, I respect your intelligence. I realize that you are a passionate advocate for the President. It just that it is very apparent that you are smart enough to be asking many of these same questions of the President that we are, and it strikes me as strange that you (apparently) are not, but are rather making lame excuses for the President's lack of action.
Obtusely skirting the primary issue(s) of a discussion, avoiding the heart of the matter because it may be painful for some reason, leads us around in a circle.
Truth, honesty, and transparency are key elements of both discussion and functional democracy. The President is fully aware of our concerns, yet has not taken steps to satisfactorily address them to us, in such capacity as he is capable of. (Again, I am afraid that you are going to hit me with, "BUT HE CAN'T DO ANYTHING"!!! If you do this, I will consider it completely ludicrous and disingenuous.
Because there is no law that prevents him from directly, freely, and publicly speaking to either congress or to we the people.
The fact that 25,000 Americans feel the need to file a petition of this nature as another attempt to get the attention of the President on this issue is a shame and clearly defines the travesty of the current state of our government and the nation.