Check out this report from Coburn, a Republican: of the Rich and Famous
Americans are facing tough times. Millions are still out of work. Wages remain stagnant, while
health care costs, tuition, and other household cost continue to rise. Many homeowners owe
more for their houses than they are worth.
With families across the country struggling to make ends meet during these economically trying
times, many are left with few options so they are turning to the government – some very
reluctantly – for assistance. The government safety net has been cast far and wide, with almost
half of all American households now receiving some form of government assistance.1 But most
taxpayers will be asking why when they learn who is receiving what.
From tax write-offs for gambling losses, vacation homes, and luxury yachts to subsidies for their
ranches and estates, the government is subsidizing the lifestyles of the rich and famous. Multimillionaires
are even receiving government checks for not working. This welfare for the well-off
– costing billions of dollars a year – is being paid for with the taxes of the less fortunate, many
who are working two jobs just to make ends meet, and IOUs to be paid off by future
This is not an accidental loophole in the law. To the contrary, this reverse Robin Hood style of
wealth redistribution is an intentional effort to get all Americans bought into a system where
everyone appears to benefit.
We should never demonize those who are successful. Nor should we pamper them with
unnecessary welfare to create an appearance everyone is benefiting from federal programs.
Even in these difficult times, the United States remains a land of opportunity and not everyone is
in need of government hand outs. The income of the wealthiest one percent of Americans has
risen dramatically over the last decade. Yet, the federal government lavishes these millionaires
with billions of dollars in giveaways and tax breaks.4
The government’s social safety net, which has long existed to catch those who are down and
help them get back up, is now being used as a hammock by some millionaires, some who are
paying less taxes than average middle class families. Comprehensive information on the full
range of government benefits enjoyed by millionaires has never been collected previously.5 This
report provides the first such compilation. What it reveals is sheer Washington stupidity with
government policies pampering the wealthy costing taxpayers billions of dollars every year.
(more at link)
The report even has an image of one of the Koch brothers with money raining on him. I think Coburn is angling to get rid of
subsidies for the wealthy instead of tax increases but personally I think we need to do both plus end the wars and the stupid expensive fruitless war on drugs. But in any event it's pretty strange to see this report from a republican. I sincerely doubt this would exist without OWS.