I am a liberal and I also happen to have a brain and a conscience and I use both regularly. I refuse to look the other way and go along to get along.
There is no "equivalence" between the true left and the Teabag Nation right. It is damn embarrassing to even listen to political discussions on TV or radio which include this "both sides do it" bullshit! Only a media industry totally dedicated to furthering corporate interests could get away with expanding FOX's transparent and craven "fair and balanced" philosophy to virtually all the networks.
And, I am tired of watching and listening as vile sociopaths like Bachman and Palin are treated with deference and respect by even supposed "progressive" TV personalities. These two and others like them would not be acceptable to most of us as fellow employees, house guests or neighbors because they are---technical old-fashioned term coming up---BAD PEOPLE! They are greedy, arrogant, stupid(and proud of it), racist, homophobic, mean liars. Someone should call them that---loudly and again and again.
Bipartisanship is the last thing we need when the other partisans are openly dedicated to our destruction. I am not speculating or exaggerating when I say that they want to destroy us. The sons of bitches have told the world that repeatedly, yet some on our side continue to smile indulgently and insist that "they don't really mean that". YES, THEY DO!! They hate us and all we stand for. And, you know what? I hate them back!
There is no place in any America still worthy of the name for the fictional political party known as the Tea Party. They are simply a corporately funded conduit for nearly any species of hate a human being can feel. The raw and naked violence which they threaten and condone is meant to encourage enough fear, distrust and division to make opposition to our corporate overseers impossible. If the twits defiantly displaying their misspelled protest signs were not so disgusting, they would be pathetic. Seldom has a group's ignorance been used so effectively against them.
Finally, before I end this rant and let some of our resident pearl-clutchers begin lecturing me on civility and pragmatism and compromise, let me add that there is no ethical reason for not prosecuting Bush, Cheney and others from their criminal administration. We cannot move on as a nation, we cannot hope to reestablish our democracy if these smirking criminals are allowed to avoid answering for their offenses. Prison would be not only just, it would be lenient and, perhaps, better than they deserve. Do not say that we are a "nation of laws" until they are charged and prosecuted.
There's more, but that is all I'll bore you with for now.