Edited on Wed Jan-19-11 10:27 PM by Shagbark Hickory
I was excited about him during the election. Thrilled when he won. I was excited about his agenda.
I began scratching my head with what seems like such a slow start. Gitmo is still around, for example. And when he appointed Tim Geitner. The actions taken to keep people in their homes with the foreclosure and housing crisis was unacceptable, if you ask me. Extending offshore drilling and investments in nukular, I wasn't at all happy with.
Quite possibly the only thing in the world I think should be privatized is NASA, and well that's essentially happened. But um with gajillions of federal dollars still?
Not standing up for the public option was a major problem for me but I recognize that he just didn't have the votes.
I can't say I'm too terribly surprised. This is always what happens. They campaign from the left and govern from the center. Unfortunately there's just too many wasted opportunities.
I was very happy about what he did for student loans and the fuel efficiency standards. I don't think I can give him credit for DADT... I'd have to give more credit to Joe Lieberman than President obama.
The economy does seem to by turning around though. And he prioritized healthcare as if he knew that he'd have a limited amount of time to try to get that done. And those reforms will save many thousands of lives. That's worthy of re-election, right there. He is ending the wars, as promised.
So basically, I think Obama is a smart guy. It seems like the decisions are, as usual, being made by corporations and corrupt politicians. I think he tries to get stuff done, but he's kinda powerless. It doesn't look like he fights for stuff but he may. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed but I blame congress, more than Obama.
I'd like to see him get re-elected. In GA, it's pointless for a democrat to go to the polls. I went in '08. If we had public option, I'd go again in '12. As it stands, I won't bother.
I'd volunteer with his campaign efforts too but some of his staffers kinda insulted me by suggesting I was an effing r*tard. And hes never apologized yet.