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Republicans don't give a rat's ass about protecting innocent lives...

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MrScorpio Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-20-11 03:16 AM
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Republicans don't give a rat's ass about protecting innocent lives...
Edited on Thu Jan-20-11 03:23 AM by MrScorpio
If they did care, I mean really, really cared…

They'd work hard to help PREVENT unwanted pregnancies and work hard to ensure that every single woman who CHOSE to bear children could get the necessary prenatal care to help prevent medical complications that require any need to medically end pregnancies prematurely in order to save the lives of mothers.

They'd work AGAINST the Military Industrial Complex that causes vast amounts of destruction and the deaths of innocent civilians in unnecessary American wars.

They'd support a social welfare system that would prevent the old, in-firmed and indigent from freezing to death in the cold of winter because of the inability to pay heating bills.

They'd support universal healthcare, so that people wouldn't have to worry about dying from preventable diseases only because they have inadequate health insurance or none at all.

They'd work hard to ensure that the criminal justice system does not execute the innocent… A national moratorium on the Death Penalty would suffice quite well.

Except, they're for none of these things. Quite the contrary… They're for ALL THE WAYS THAT THESE THINGS KILL INNOCENT PEOPLE!

Excuse me, GOP… But I'm not falling for any of your bullshit today…

As a matter of fact, I never have.
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patrice Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-20-11 03:25 AM
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1. Anyone who would start an un-necessary war WILL. DO. ANYTHING. no matter what the
consequences are to others.

The Invasion & Occupation of Iraq SAYS IT ALL. There is nothing these people will not do, no one they will not hurt, no number of deaths is too big, no money they will not spend, no lie they will not tell . . . .
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RandomThoughts Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-20-11 03:27 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. And that is all that needs to be known. Although not about Republican only.
Edited on Thu Jan-20-11 03:28 AM by RandomThoughts
Then you have a choice,

Back down to them and give them what ever you have.

Or stand up and cast the dice.


Although I still don't have beer and travel money that is due, so what was the question again?
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JessRico Donating Member (1 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-20-11 04:18 AM
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3. Republicans, Right Wingers
I am new here, but as a retired teacher in high school, junior college, and the state prison system there is something I have learned from the tens of thousands of people from all walks of life, political affiliations, and of all ages; Republicans and right-wingers cannot be trusted to tell the truth as indicated by the following. The aforesaid subjects claim ardent support for the Constitution, rule of law, and Biblical principles, and I have never met one who didn't support Republican supreme court justices' opinions in Bush v. Gore and Citizens United. Both of those opinions violated both Constitutional mandates and the rule of law and constitute Biblical mandates as stated by Jesus, Himself. while I tend to be somewhat agnostic on the subject of modern-day Christianity, nevertheless the said subjects loudly proclaim absolute faith in the strict interpretation of the Bible principles. So the following is illustrative of what liars and hypocrites the said subjects display in their conduct.

The highest Christian authority, Jesus (who Christians claim was God-made-man), condemned liars and hypocrites as evil children of the Devil. Since I know of no Republican or other right-winger who is not a liar and hypocrite, I must conclude from Jesus' condemnation that He considers those who are indeed liars and hypocrites are the Devil's minions destined to suffer the same fate as is the Devil. Lies and hypocrisies are committed by those who selfishly attempt to win an issue at any cost identifying them as arrogant to the extreme, the "arrogant one" being one of the first, if not the first, label given to Lucifer
when he attempted to supplant God. In view of the foregoing, if it is true, we must always refuse to aid, abet, ratify, or condone liars and hypocrites, the arrogant ones, or become accessories to their crimes and sins; and we must always expose liars and hypocrites for what they really are.
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hootinholler Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-20-11 11:47 AM
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4. They're not fiscally conservative either
The compassionate way is the cheaper way.

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6000eliot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-20-11 11:57 AM
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5. It isn't about protecting life.
It's about controlling women's bodies.
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