but then would you like your kids removed from something you believed in? Just playing devils advocate here because I know not many people are involved in this kind of hatred or would haul their kids out in the horrible conditions they do. What would you like us to do? They have sued this city and won millions of dollars over the years. It totally sucks. It sucks to have to fight for every little improvement for LGBT citizens we manage to get through the city council with a senile, clueless old man as mayor and a paper who sends journalists who run our stories with incorrect information fueling the bigots before we can get them to change it.
http://cjonline.com/news/2011-11-15/bunten-worried-registry-could-lead-legalized-gay-marriage#.TsmWhXM4M64Who do you think works for child protective services, the SRS and the jail? Yup. They are in a lot of places and quite frankly many of the people who work with them or teach them say they are just fine at work or at school. I am certain, that like many of the awful people we have in our state government, they are quite nice outside of the church and their church activity. Shoot, Mrs. Phelps likes to eat lunch at an establishment owned and run by a gay couple (don't know if they are a pair or just business partners).
This is why articles like this one are so onerous, it shows how human then are but ah shucks they do have some whacky and hateful beliefs. It somehow makes them seem like OK people and they are not. They are criminal in their hatred but the first amendment protects them just like it does the clan or you and me.
Look, I agree but those of us who have to live around them have no option. No one will touch them anymore. The cops attack us when they show up at our rallys because we are causing trouble, remember the flag pole incident? Front page news, nationally covered and it was us with our flag poles who were the problem. Not those standing across the street with their hateful signs.
I am a bit tired of the rest of the people telling us that ignoring them is the wrong thing to do. When they come to your city do what you want but for us who see them every single fucking day, they split up and are in 4 places at any given time some days, everywhere we go with no help and no protection we would like them to just fade away. I mean really, like I said before, they are not trying to save the world they are looking to get money from anywhere they are covered so they can continue to live like they do. They will move on, move their message and when it all stops working the younger group will probably find the discomfort too much when there is no benefit to them.
Proud, your insinuation that my ignoring them is pretending and not doing anything is a little insulting. Really, you have no idea what we are doing here.