You may fool some people some of the time, counseled Abraham Lincoln, but not all the people all the time. The earthy wisdom of the US president credited with uniting America and ending slavery has been repeatedly challenged by his own country. Seems you can’t just fool all the people all the time, you can get away with murder by lying through your teeth.
What happened in Iraq eight years ago appears all set to repeat itself as the Western powers gang up against Iran. And you thought the world has learnt its lessons from the catastrophe of Iraq.
Savaged by the trillion dollar wars being waged by the US and its NATO allies, coupled with the open looting and corruption on the Wall Street, the world economy is battling for its life. Look at the god-awful mess in Europe. Who would have thought a decade ago, or at the time of Western invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, the rich European Union and its much wanted euro would be faced with the calamity they are facing today? Even the with-us-or-against-us leader of the free world, who had persuaded himself he was on a divine mission to save Israel from its imagined enemies, seemed to have his share of doubts about the whole circus when he left the White House.
Of course those weapons of mass destruction that Saddam Hussein was supposed to have piled up to attack the peace-loving, democratic state of Israel are yet to be found, not to mention the million plus Iraqis who have paid with their lives for the Oedipal insecurities of the most powerful man on the planet.
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