Certainly, there MUST be a Democratic representative out there with the stones to actually take the slogan that's being used to batter anti-HCR Republicans and make it an actual policy proposal. Anthony Weiner? I'm looking in your direction.
Think about it. If this actually became a Bill, we could then use it to expose the Republicans for the hypocrites that we all know they are after it quite predictably goes down in flames after receiving zero support from the right. Just propose a Bill with language that says something to the effect of, "Whereas the members of this Congress believe that healthcare bought and paid for by the government is the worst of all possible evils, we the undersigned hereby propose a law repealing healthcare benefits for all members of the United States Congress," blah blah blah, etc.
Then, when Boner and all his cohorts vote against it, you show the record of their votes on TV at every commercial break.
Now, do we have a Democratic rep out there who has the gumption to get this done? It would essentially END the healthcare debate once and for all.