Unlike the so-called Supercommittee, that took months and spent a fortune to come up with nothing, for a mere third of the money they spent, I would have come up with the same nothing, and done it in one day. I'd have been happy to have done it for on third the money they spent on staff and facilities.
For that matter, during Cheney's and Rumsfeld's Iraq invasion, all they had to do was give ME $9 billion in cash, and I would have mead it disappear, just like Cheneybush did. Only, I would have done it without invading Iraq or getting 4000 of our military killed.
I'm more efficient by far. Just give me a billion dollars in cash, and let me prove it to you. We won't have to invade anybody, or risk the life of any military personnel, unless they need to spend more than 5 minutes in Boston traffic, and I'll make the money disappear. For free!