It turns out Lockheed-Martin plays a prominent role in many facets of our lives, including our campaigns.
Democracy Now!
Fifty Years After Eisenhower’s Farewell Address, A Look at "Prophets of War: Lockheed Martin and the Making of the Military-Industrial Complex" (52'14" to 59'05")
Interview William Hartung, author of "Prophets of War"
Some highlights:
L-M receives $29 billion a year from the Pentagon (one in ten dollars the Pentagon doles out to private contractors)
L-M also involved in:
The census
Local government
Foreign policy
US elections ($12,000,000): US taxpayer -> Pentagon -> L-M -> political campaigns
But then, they're "people" now, aren't they? I wonder who they contribute to?
on edit: click on the link and the video should start at the 52'14" mark...