Call the program LIVE 9PM - midnight ET 877-99Malloy - New Number
These 3 stations say they have Mike on from 9pm to midnight eastern & It seems as though these 3 links work
http://radiotime.com/station/s_45192/KTLK_1150.aspx KTLK delays Mike for a couple of hours!
http://www.green960.com/main.html http://themic921.com/main.html http://www.mikemalloy.com /
http://www.sirius.com/siriusleft http://stream.am950ktnf.com:8000/listen.pls These stations Have Mike on from 9pm to midnight Pacific-
http://www.am1090seattle.com /
& Here's Mike's station list-
http://www.mikemalloy.com/stations /
Here's the Malloy stream link-
https://www.mikemalloy.com/members/member.php http://server2.whiterosesociety.org:8000/truthseeker.m3... For a more low key Chatroom try-
http://headonradionetwork.com/chatroom / Here's the HORN Chatroom link-
http://client0.sigmachat.com/sc.php?id=137054 Mike's Blog Picks
http://www.oddlyenoughmosaics.com /
http://www.fairywoodland.com /
http://candorcandy.vox.com /
http://www.unknownnews.org /
http://www.pbsblog.com /
http://www.americanfilms.com /
http://www.officialwire.com /
http://www.justcoffeeart.com /
http://unreportednews.net /
http://www.swamp-rat.com /
http://www.democraticwarrior.com /
http://www.markmarshall.com /
http://www.democracyinteractive.com /
http://www.redpill8.blogspot.com /
http://www.switch2green.org /
http://www.therealnews.com/web/index.php http://www.superbeans.com /
Please Support www.WhiteRoseSociety.org if you can! & Please support The HORN if you can-
http://www.headonradionetwork.com Introducing the HORN Forums!!!-
http://headonradionetwork.com/forum /
http://www.mikemalloy.com/malloyvision /
http://www.mikemalloy.com/2011/11/many-thanks/Many Thanks
Written on November 18, 2011
. . . to Brad Friedman who will be manning the mic for Mike while we spend some time with our extended family. Brad will, no doubt, provide endless hours of fun and frivolity, and quality guests, in Mike’s absence. Brad will lead your campfire discussions tonight, And next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Please enjoy (!) encore Malloy programs on Thanksgiving and the day after, and Mike returns LIVE Monday the 28th!
Speaking of Thanksgiving, we are so very grateful to all our listeners who support this program with their call, email, letters, witticisms, music, and financial contributions. We cannot sail this ship without you.
Hope you all have a wonderful, peaceful Holiday!
. . . now go occupy something . . . .
http://www.bradblog.com/?p=8941 <Links here
UC Davis Chancellor Apologizes to Students, Fails to Condemn Pepper Spray Cops or Resign
Tells ABC news the university 'needs her', must 'make sure the students are safe'...
UC Davis Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi "apologized" for last Friday's pepper spray incident during remarks to thousands of students who had gathered on the campus quad for a General Assembly this afternoon.
Here's Lee Fang's video of Katehi's teary remarks within the past hour, which began with, "I am here to apologize. I feel horrible for what happened on Friday"...
...What Katehi didn't do, once again, was either resign, as faculty and students alike have called for, or condemn the behavior of her police force for their outrageous behavior in pepper spraying nearly 20 students who had peacefully locked arms while staging an "Occupy" sit-in late last week.
Videos of the shocking incident, showing UC Davis Police Department's Lt. John Pike casually torturing the students, went viral over the weekend, sparking outrage and calls for the immediate resignation of the UC Davis Chancellor. She has said she will not resign, telling ABC's Good Morning America this morning that she is "really feel confident at this point the university needs me."
She didn't mention, however, whether the university needs any holes in the head or not...
During the ABC interview, Katehi said, "It was a difficult situation for the campus to really strive to make sure the students are safe."
"The biggest, most critical issue is the safety of the students who are using the campus, the facilities, who really want to learn in this environment," she explained --- without clarifying how spraying students in the face with pepper spray was helpful to their "safety".
Following a hastily scheduled press conference on Saturday, which students were not notified of, Katehi was forced to walk through a chilling gauntlet of hundreds of students who had gathered outside the location of presser, as they sat silently while she made her way to her car to leave. Watch the haunting "Walk of Shame" video here.
Pike was placed on "Administrative Leave" on Sunday pending the university's investigation, as was UC Davis Police Chief Annette Spicuzza who was present at the Friday incident and later lied to reporters about it.
"There was no way out of that circle," she told the Sacramento Bee on Friday, referencing the circle of sitting students who had peacefully locked arms and whom Pike is seen on video easily stepping out of. "They were cutting the officers off from their support," she lied to the paper.
Spicuzza's remarks bring to mind similar comments given to the press by Oakland PD's Interim Chief Howard Jordan following the 10/25/11 violence which began when law enforcement officials discharged chemical weapons among peaceful demonstrators.
Jordan would tell media that night that the police "were in a position where we had to deploy gas in order to stop the crowd and people from pelting us with bottles and rocks...We felt that the deployment of gas was necessary to protect our officers."
As an exclusive analysis by The BRAD BLOG has found, however, the police deployed gas on the crowd before they were met with projectiles from any of the demonstrators, according to the currently available evidence. The Oakland PD has failed to offer evidence to contradict our report, and later walked Jordan's comments back by telling us that they were just his "preliminary belief" at the time of the presser. Nonetheless, Jordan's remarks, like Spicuzza's, were widely reported by the media in the wake of the police violence.
The Friday pepper spray incident at UC Davis was just the latest among a growing string of violent confrontations with peaceful demonstrators by police at Occupy Wall Street protests around the country.
* * *
One of the many videos of the Friday, 11/18/11 incident, in which Lt. John Pike (and other officers) are seen torturing peaceful student demonstrators with pepper spray, follows below...
Here's a new Kitteh gif!
:hi: :loveya: :hug: :pals: :woohoo: