:smoke: - If you work hard you will succeed
- Rich people are rich because they work hard and provide a service to the economy
- The best way to run an economy is to make sure rich people get lots of money and they will then “trickle-down” some on the rest of us
- The economy is like Nature, no one controls it, it just is.
- Globalization is inevitable, people didn’t create it and cannot manage it, it just is
- Government doesn’t work ONLY Business can get things done
- Helping rich people is “Freedom”, helping poor people is Socialism
- If people fail, helping them is wrong because it would make them less free; but if Business fails then we MUST help them because this is how we save a free economy
- We need to get government off our backs so Business is free to produce unless Business fails then we need Government to take money away from working people to give it to Banks & Business
- A free economy rests on our freedom to contract EXCEPT that consumers shouldn’t be able to contract and must accept whatever contract a Bank or Business gives them and EXCEPT labor unions shouldn’t be allowed to negotiate contracts for their members
- Government-paid healthcare is the right thing to do for Seniors, Veterans and Members of Congress BUT it would be the wrong thing to do for everyone else
- The Government should fund the research to make new drugs and then GIVE those drugs to privately-owned Pharmaceutical companies so they can sell them and make money
- The Government should NOT be allowed to negotiate the best prices when it buys drugs
- If you’re a Businessman and borrow money from the Government and then choose not to repay, that’s OK and the Law will protect your ability to avoid paying your debts BUT if you’re a student who borrows to pay for your education and then become unemployed or ill or disabled, then you should be forced to pay EVEN if it means you won’t be able to buy food to feed yourself
- The United States has the right to invade any country it chooses to invade
- People who kill and torture are Freedom Fighters if our Government approves of them but are Terrorists if our Government doesn’t like them
- When the Japanese water-boarded American POWs it was torture and those involved were justly executed; when Americans water-board those in custody it is simply aggressive interrogation and those involved are promoted and protected; COROLLARY: when others torture, they are evil, when Americans torture it is right
- Germans who followed orders were war criminals, Americans who follow orders are patriots
- If you steal $ 11 DOLLARS then you can be jailed for life BUT if you steal $ 11 BILLION then you are a Banker and get invited to the White House for dinner
- If you are rich and snort high-priced cocaine you may get time in a rehab facility but if you are poor and smoke cheap cocaine you will be imprisoned
- The public employees who risked their lives to save people on 9-11 were heroes but now they are fat bureaucrats who should be fired or have their paychecks slashed
- Even though Social Security has a several TRILLION DOLLAR surplus, unlike the Government’s General Fund, it is “Broke” and should be given to private Bankers who know how to manage money, such as the Banks which failed and had to be bailed-out by the Taxpayers
- It is right and just to pay a Hedge Fund CEO $ 10,000 a MINUTE but it would be wrong to raise the minimum wage of someone who makes $ 5.15 an hour
- 50 million people who cannot afford health insurance should die quickly and not become a burden on the rest of us
- It is wrong to tax the huge estates of Multi-Billionaires when they die because their children and grandchildren, such as Paris Hilton and friends, deserve all of that money