It started with this tweet a couple of hours ago:
3Beee Farah
@KissMyEntireAzz: Homeowner in foreclosure seeks occupiers at his property in Oakland
As Susie Cagle later reports on her twitter feed, #OccupyOakland picked up on it and is #occupying the property -- which is in the process of being foreclosed on by Chase. One of the bad guys.
susie_c Susie Cagle
#occupyoakland 18 & Linden lot has 20-30 occupiers, 5-10 tents and tarps. One cop car just drove by slowly.
susie_c Susie Cagle
#occupyoakland Oh wait, more like 10-20 tents. Chase is foreclosing as of March. Ppl in touch w renters of the lot, though, not the owners.
The property in question is at 18th & Linden in Oakland. The residents are tenants, but according to the #occupyoakland twitter feed, the owners (who are the ones being foreclosed on, of course) have given their permission:
occupyoakland Occupy Oakland
Clarification:YES we do have permission from the owner. Bring sleeping bags, food, tents etc. to donate for owners & occupiers @ 18&franklin