the congressional "supercommittee" ready to admit defeat, lawmakers are pointing fingers for the failed experiment in every direction.
Republicans are decrying President Obama's limited involvement in the negotiations and the Democrats' insistence on raising taxes. Members of the president's party, meanwhile, are pointing to the GOP's refusal to raise taxes as a sign that the party is beholden to anti-tax activist Grover Norquist.
"As long as we have some Republican lawmakers who feel more enthralled with a pledge they took to a Republican lobbyist than they do to a pledge to the country to solve the problems, this is going to be hard to do," Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wa., the Democratic co-chair of the supercommittee, said on CNN on Sunday, referencing the no-tax pledge run by Norquist's group, American for Tax Reform.
Some supercomittee members -- including Murray and the Republican co-chair, Rep. Jeb Hensarling of Texas -- suggested Sunday there could be a last-minute effort to put a deal together. "Nobody wants to give up hope," Hensarling said on "Fox News Sunday." He added that "reality is to some extent starting to overtake hope," but he said negotiations were still in the works.
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or as I like to call it "Act II: the kabuki players continue to screech".