Jon Chesto
The Patriot Ledger
Posted Nov 22, 2011 @ 04:20 AM
Last update Nov 22, 2011 @ 09:47 AM
PLYMOUTH — The Pilgrim nuclear power plant will be required to face another Nuclear Regulatory Commission inspection now that the agency has finished its evaluation of the plant’s accidental shutdown in May.
The commission on Monday issued a white inspection finding – that is, a finding of low to moderate safety significance – for the Plymouth power plant. The label is a rare reprimand for a nuclear plant: Neil Sheehan, a spokesman for the agency, said eight white findings have been issued against nuclear reactors in the past year, as well as two more-stringent evaluations.
Plant owner Entergy Corp. determined that operator error caused the unplanned automatic shutdown, known as a scram, on May 10. The reactor was being returned into service after a refueling and maintenance outage, and was generating 4 percent of its capacity at the time. The plant’s safety mechanisms effectively shut down the reactor without harming anyone. snip
Mary Lampert, founder of the Pilgrim Watch citizens group, said she was glad to see the agency take the May 10 incident seriously. “Fortunately the reactor was smarter than the people,” Lampert said. “But that might not always be the case.”