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Ongoing Medicare scams -- or the never ending screwing of the elderly

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Cyrano Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-22-11 11:03 AM
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Ongoing Medicare scams -- or the never ending screwing of the elderly
I transcribed this from a call I got the other day. (I have a recorder attached to my phone.)

(Ring. Ring. Ring.)

Me: Hello.

Them: Hello, is this Mr. xxxxx?

Me: Who is this?

Them: Am I speaking with Mr. xxxxx?

Me: Yes. What are you selling?

Them: This is Bob. I'm with (mumble, mumble) and we're related to Medicare. We have a valuable new benefit to offer you.

Me: What do you mean "you're related to Medicare?"

Them: Our health care plans supplement everything you now have and enhance your ongoing coverage.

Me: You're selling something.

Them: Sir, are you comfortable with your current coverage in case of an unforeseen emergency?

Me: Your trying to sell me something. Get to the bottom line.

Them: I'm sorry, sir, but there are certain issues I need to inform you of.

Me: What are you selling?

Them: Sir, you really don't understand ...

Me: (Cutting Bob short.) Yes, I do understand. You're trying to sell me something. Will you get off the script you're reading and get to the point.

Them: Sir, if I could just take a moment to explain how you can benefit from our programs.

Me: What's it going to cost me?

Them: Mr. xxxxxx, the savings and peace of mind you will realize will far offset any minor costs.

Me: Ummm, okay, listen Bob. Why don't you move on to the next victim. I'm not on Medicare.

Them: (click)

I don't know how I got on their list. But I pity the seniors who fall for this crap and let their savings be depleted by hucksters and outright thieves. There has to be a special place in whatever Hell might exist for the scum who prey on the weak, helpless and elderly.

And who knows? This might even be some minor subsidiary of some company owned by the Koch Brothers,
or someone else of their ilk. After all, that 1% isn't about to let a single cent slip through their bloody claws.

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leftyladyfrommo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-22-11 11:16 AM
Response to Original message
1. It's not just seniors getting scammed.
Everybody out there has their hand out for this or that.

There were some guys from somewhere overseas that were conning pet sitters - of all the weird things to try and do. They just went into the National Association website and got e-mail addresses. Then they send people a request for petsitting that would be a really good, every day kind of gig.

I always just delete any messages that come across like that. But I guess if someone actually fell for it they would send them a cashier's check for more than the cost of the job and ask to have it deposited and the difference sent back to them. That's an old scam. I hope no one fell for it.

And I get scammers on the phone every once in a while. I always try to get phone numbers or whatever info I can from them and then call the Missouri State Attorney General's office. They get right on those things.

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Cyrano Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-22-11 11:25 AM
Response to Reply #1
3. They never give up.
I'm on every No-Call list available, but it doesn't matter.

Unfortunately, I'm too impatient to wait to get the name of the so-called company they represent so I can turn it over to the state Attorney General. I ask if they've ever heard of No-Call lists and I get an immediate hang up.

Nonetheless, living in Florida, I don't know how much good it would do to turn their names over to the AG. Our Governor, Rick Scott, is doing everything possible to destroy whatever anyone else calls a civilized society. I'm sure his AG has a shredding machine right next to his desk to destroy any reports of how we peasants are getting screwed.
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Uben Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-22-11 11:22 AM
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2. For every dime you have......
...there are thousands trying to find an angle to get it. They all want to be rich like banksters and hedgefund mgrs.

All I want is my morning coffee, spring fishing trips, and my health. Not very ambitious, I know, but there is solace in simplicity. I chose not to chase the dollar by devoting my life to it. Instead, I chose to enjoy the pleasures afforded me by mother nature and a blue-collar life. My wealth is in memories and friendships.
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valerief Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-22-11 11:34 AM
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4. We usually elect these hucksters to Congress. nt
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Lasher Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-22-11 11:45 AM
Response to Original message
5. A Medicare Advantage saleswoman once went to visit my father in law.
My FIL had asked me to be present. She started out by saying she represents Medicare. Knowing she didn't, I said, "Do you mean you work for Medicare?" She said yes. I said, "OK let me ask you this: When you get your paycheck, who does it come from?" She said Snake Oil Insurance Corporation or something like that. I said, "Then you don't work for or represent Medicare and you shouldn't be telling people you do."

That's just how sleazy these sales people are. On my advice, my FIL didn't buy her snake oil.

A caveat: The government pays Medicare Advantage about 17% more per capita than it spends on traditional Medicare beneficiaries. This was provided by the same legislation that created the unfunded Medicare Part D (prescription drugs).

These overpayments are being phased out by Obamacare starting this year, and rightly so. Few, if any, of these MA companies will survive once they no longer receive more money than the government spends on traditional Medicare.

My point is, it might be personally advantageous to go with a MA plan for now, but be careful. That corporate jet isn't going to pay for itself. Once the 17% overpayments are cut off, they'll try to get that extra money from you.
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