:smoke: :smoke: " After 30+ years of baldfaced lies from our government, the media, and anyone in a position to profit from it, the first demand of the 99% might simply be no more lies. Sunday on Twitter, Jean Ann Esselink (@uncumbered) started a hashtag game that ended up creating a crowdsourced list of lies we’ve been told in a variety of areas—lies that can be discarded, already, as we have had enough of them.
Powerful and well-financed propagandists are behind most if not all of these lies. However, the hashtag #LiesWeLetThemTellUs suggests that we are partly to blame for not challenging what we were told. Because you are reading PoliticusUSA, I know that you never believed some of these whoppers, but you probably did believe some of them—I know I did. And what struck me as this list grew was how many of these lies have endured because it is more comfortable or at least less inconvenient to believe them. But what made this list worthy to post here is knowing how much better our lives would be now if we as a nation had been more courageous and more tenacious in demanding a truth-based society.
Can we learn from this exercise? I have.
Regulation causes uncertainty and is a bad thing
Corporations are people
Americans are exceptional, and therefore entitled
We can keep on doing whatever we want forever
We never have to pay for it (reduce taxes without giving anything up)
We are not responsible
Occupy protestors don’t have clear demands
People have a right to protest, & to petition government to address their grievances but only 9 to 5 with a permit
The cops needed to use pepper spray
Being gay is a choice. (Likewise being unemployed)
Gay marriage will hurt society
Openly gay soldiers will ruin the army
Marijuana is a gateway drug
Nobody dies in the U.S. from lack of health care
Increasing the arsenic levels in your water won’t hurt you
Alternative energy is much more expensive than fossil fuels
Global warming isn’t happening
Snow proves global warming isn’t real
Evolution, schmevolution
The earth can heal itself
Corporate-owned news outlets are a fine idea
Media is only fair when it repeats everything uncritically
There are two equal sides to every story
Fox News is fair and balanced
CNN is a news channel
The “good old days” (slavery, child labor laws, sweatshops, street urchins) were so great & we need them back PRONTO!
Pizza is a vegetable
It’s teachers’ fault that schools are failing
There is no difference between a blastocyst in a Petri dish and a newborn baby
list cont'