I've never seen so many articles in one issue that have really engaged me and I've been reading the magazine most of my life!
The cover article is "The First Americans" and discusses 'new' evidence that pushes the movement of humans into the Americas back beyond Clovis.
"Digging Mars" is a neat, first hand report on the development of the Mars Phoenix mission. Associated with that is a side bar article on Mars meteorites that may have brought life to Earth.
"Thought Experiments" is an exploration of scientific experiments into free that will make you wonder about how people make moral choices.
There is an article on sustainable agriculture with five specific suggestions for increasing crops without continuing to degrade the environment. Another article covers using gene modified mosquitoes to control the spread of dengue fever and gets into the objections to releasing gene modified organisms into the wild.
I just finished "A Formula for Economic Calamity" which gives insight in how the use of incomplete mathematical models lead to the 2008 collapse and how the continued use makes future collapses almost inevitable. And I haven't started "The Truth about Fracking" but I am sure it will be well worth a careful read. There is another article about medical sleuthing that also sounds interesting.
And that doesn't even include the opinion pieces on malware, dangers of fracking, how HDL and LDL levels may not be as relevant to heart disease as previously thought, or the fun one on programming Easter eggs. Scott Antartic voyage lost images, "science" behind Scientology, and anti-gravity, too!
Really, if this issue is still on the stands, BUY a copy. So far every single article has been an engrossing read.