!/image/2364814719.JPG_gen/derivatives/landscape_400/2364814719.JPGWASHINGTON – Military dogs get homesick too.
At least that’s what the folks at believe. Officials from the conservative action group this week are sending two dozen care packages to military mutts serving in Afghanistan, in an effort to show appreciation for the work they and their handlers perform in the war effort.
The packages include a few bags of dog treats, a set of dog boots (to keep out sand and dust) and a pair of dog goggles (again, sand and dust). Organizers also included, for the handlers, some coffee, cookies, beef jerky, gatorade, and toiletries, along with thank-you notes.
“We’ve been seeing stories about military dogs here and there for a long time now, and we had never done anything special for them or the troops they serve with,” group spokesman Danny Gonzalez said in an email. “Military dogs are critical to our missions’ success in Afghanistan because they can find explosives that even some of our high-tech detection equipment misses.”