5:00pm until 7:00pm
The Chancellor, Interim Police Chief, and other administrators will be on-hand to listen and respond to student comments/questions regarding the recent events on campus and how we can progress as a community.
Capacity in Freeborn Hall is limited to the first 1,000 that attend. Doors open at 4:30pm.
****The first hour of the event will be streamed live by AGTV at
http://www.ustream.tv/channel/town-hall-meeting-with-chancellor-katehi. Streaming, photography, and filming will only be permitted from 5pm-6pm in order to allow for a more private discussion during the second hour.****
In order to facilitate a respectful and productive conversation, we ask that attendees follow a few ground rules:
-Please allow students priority when speaking at the microphone
-Please limit statements and questions to 2 minutes
-Please do not bring posters, banners, or noisemakers into the facility
-Please discontinue photography, filming, or streaming after 6pm
Hosted by the Student Assistants to the Chancellor (
https://www.facebook.com/events/254374834620354/(No stream URL given but it stands to chance that someone will have a camera or cell phone)