AirTalk for November 22, 2011
The city of Los Angeles is taking a very different approach from other cities to removing Occupiers from city parks and grounds.
In New York, police in riot gear swept through Zucotti Park in the early hours of the morning, rousting protesters and dumping their belongings unceremoniously in bins and plastic bags. In October, a police raid on the Occupy camp in Oakland ended with tear gas and rubber bullets. In Philadelphia; Chapel Hill, North Carolina; and Dallas, Texas, police have raided and razed Occupy encampments with violent flare-ups ensuing between protesters and police.
But not here. According to the Los Angeles Times, city officials and members of Occupy Los Angeles have been meeting to work out a deal to end the encampment around City Hall peacefully. The city is offering them 10,000 square feet of downtown office space for a dollar a year, some farmland and additional housing for the homeless Occupy contingent if they all pack up and clear off.