Have you ever encountered one of those people who tend to express very bigoted views towards a specific group of people as a whole, but this somehow does not apply at all to the relationships with specific individuals of that group that this person has?
My dad is kind of a person like that. He is an old southerner, and from time to time will make a very broad brush stereotypical statement about African Americans. Sometimes he will get pissed off about something he saw on TV, and then make such statements, and he is also known to have a politically incorrect humor. The thing is: You would never know it if you saw him talking to a black person. He has actually done a lot of charitable work for the poor, including a lot of black people, and he DOES actually have black friends (and will tell them that he "doesn't agree with their gangster rap" to their face) and he is always friendly to people who don't actively piss him off. But he is also the kind of guy who will start a sentence with "I'm not a prejudiced, but..." and then let off some broad generelization.
I find that there are many of such people: People who carry some abstract idea of an "imaginary other" with them, that somehow magically stops applying to all individuals they actually have dealt with.