Conwebwatch, this is what Media Research Center president Brent Bozell had to say about the UC Davis protesters pepper-sprayed by the campus police in his newest column "Pouncing on Pepper Spray":
Americans awoke Monday morning to all three TV networks spreading the latest viral video by the OWS publicity team showing police pepper-spraying seated student protesters in the face. Leftist students in Davis had linked arms and refused to move despite repeated warnings from campus police to clear out. They were determined to encourage police action. Protests are designed to gain publicity. Publicity demands conflict. Publicity demands egging on the police to engage the disobedient.
They needed to be victimized by police "brutality." They wanted desperately to be pepper-sprayed. They needed to regain the narrative.
The stupidity oozes further as Bozell compares this act of protesting to obstruction of abortion clinics:
What if a protesting block of humanity were to appear in front of an abortion clinic? Would that be "peaceful"? You know the truth. The media would report that as a violation of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act. "Physical obstruction," even if it's "peaceful," is illegal in that location. Put it on a campus, have it organized by leftist anarchists and it's somehow a socialist Shangri-La.
But of course...Bozell's on the board of directors of the Catholic League, and it's his duty to stand up for God.
Also, while Bozell has no problem with the police teaching those leftist college students a lesson, apparently in his twisted brain casual sex is worse than excessive police force. See also his columns "
Sex Wars at Penn State" (2001) and "
" (2006).