while laying off personnel and attacking pensions.
$1 billion = 20,000 people making $50K a year.
According to the district, the technology spending is "to comply with state requirements that all elementary- and middle-school students take annual reading and math assessments online by 2014."
http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/dept_of_ed_crams_in_budget_hike_erKcBFcrQ37FGg4E0y3fzO#ixzz1BeaV6N8XHowever, according to Leonie Haimson:
Typically, the city wants to blame this on the state and the feds mandating online assessments. This doesn't fly; nowhere else in the country are they spending these kind of dollars for this purpose. Instead, the real reason is they want to expand online learning and further degrade the opportunity for our children to receive instruction from a real live teacher.