It takes more than a book of matches and a bobby pin for MacIver (Institute) to get anything right these days. This Koch funded rightwing thanktink is trolling for some controversy after last night's stunning accounting of 300,000 signatures in 12 days. Surely something must be amiss! After all, "it is working in Wisconsin" and saying it over and over (through million dollar mouthpieces) must make it so.
"Problem of Duplicate Signatures Looms Over Recall" reads their headline of today. Yes, that is correct. This is a problem so big that it actually looms. It takes up space. Spatial space. Psychological space. It hovers. It is such a god-sized problem that only the sky can hold it. And like a vast raincloud, it might spill down on the fraught and problematized recall process, eroding its very veracity...
And that trick will cost the state dearly. Down the road. When well-intentioned Walker supporters ("We won, get over it!") have to count the endless duplicate signatures. MacIver, outraged, cites GAB spokesman, Reid Magney, who suggests: “While it is not illegal to sign more than once, we do not suggest people sign a second time unless they have good reason to believe the first petition they signed was somehow fraudulent."
"Neither the state Democratic Party nor the pro-labor organizations steering the recall drive have disclosed any process by which they will identify and discard the duplicate signatures they obtain."
Well, MacIver. This will be hard to fix with hairspray, clothespins and a bottlecap. Because, you see, what you don't mention is that the reason honest citizens on the street (from Wausau to Milwaukee, Door County to LaCrosse, Racine to Superior) feel compelled to sign the petition more than once is because of the duplicity and mendaciousness of Republican operatives who have laid waist to the rule of law and have publicly pursued the misinformation campaign of Trojan Horse recall groups.
The right is spinning like a centrifuge, trying any and everything they can to undermine our democracy. Here's more...
Some supporters of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker are unable to control their frustration and have resorted to threatening recall petition circulators. Details on that below, but first a follow up from last week.
A local television station reported previously that officials of Edgewood College in Madison were aware of a felony act of destroying signed petitions committed in one of their buildings by one of their students, but failed to report it to local police. Tonight, that station aired a story indicating that the students who witnessed the crime, and perhaps an Edgewood College official, reported the incident to police on Monday. The Madison police department is now investigating. It's clear that if the Channel 27 reporter hadn't asked about it, Edgewood College officials would have kept their mouths shut.
The alleged perpetrator, who has not responded to inquiries from the media, apparently bragged about his crime by tweeting a message directed to Governor Walker shortly after he destroyed a petition: “Today I ripped up a petition form to recall you.”
Republicans in Reedsburg complained that a circulator was allowed to set up a table inside the city hall. It's a public space, so there really is no question about the legality of gathering recall signatures there, but that didn't stop the bellyaching from the right wing. Local officials offered the Republicans equal access, but the Republicans have not shown up since, responding with what might be the funniest quote from the recall so far: