from Ezra Klein at Wonkbook: Ben Geman:"Senate Republicans are floating legislation to speed up federal action on the proposed Keystone XL oil sands pipeline, a controversial project that the White House doesn’t currently plan to make a decision on until after the 2012 election. Six senators including Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) have crafted a plan that requires a State Department permit for the Alberta-to-Texas pipeline within 60 days unless the president publicly determines that it is not in the national interest, according to a summary. The Senate bill to be introduced Wednesday is sponsored by GOP Sens. Dick Lugar (Ind.), John Hoeven (N.D.), David Vitter (La.), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) and Mike Johanns (Neb.). It comes after the State Department recently delayed a final decision until 2013 at the earliest."