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So now that Cain is down and out, how soon til Newt crashes & burns his campaign

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LynneSin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-30-11 10:18 AM
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So now that Cain is down and out, how soon til Newt crashes & burns his campaign
First Bachmann was the shining star but her batshit craziness caught up to her and she fizzled out. Then Perry jumped into the race as the superstar to save the GOP in 2012 and well that lasted a few weeks until he stupified his way to the bottom. Next they clamoured for Cain thinking he could be the chosen one to win but Cain ended up groping his way to the bottom.

So now it's Newt. Post your bet her about how soon until Newt divorces himself as the frontrunner not Mitt from the GOP race.

I'm saying it'll be a slow holiday but around January 3rd we'll see Newt go bye-bye. That'll be the day that his Tiffany's Xmas shopping bill for his future Mrs. Newt Gingrich the 4th will be revealed. He'll tank and then the frothy mix of lubricant and fecal matter Santorum will penetrate to the lead.
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CTyankee Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-30-11 10:27 AM
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1. Agree. Newt always shoots himself in the foot eventually.
My fondest dream is that he will be caught fooling around with a young campaign staffer. That will kill the new narrative of Newt which is that he is a "repentant sinner." It won't play well the the folks...
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apnu Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-30-11 10:45 AM
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2. I'm not sure about that.
The GOP electorate's choices are growing very thin. The only ones who have not experienced a bubble are Huntsman and Santorum. Santorum will never get traction, so that leaves Huntsman left for a bubble. But nobody seems to know he's in the race, so I've been discounting him thus far. So, unless Huntsman proves me wrong, the GOP's choices are Newt and Mittens.

Given how luke warm Mittens has been in the polls, I'm willing to bet that they are still on the search for anybody but Mittens. Which leaves Newt the last man standing by default. Unless, again, Huntsman somehow jumps up in the standing.

Which is, I suppose possible, but Newt's history is well known to the whole country. Everybody knows he divorced twice, and both times his wives were sick with deadly illnesses. Everybody knows that his current wife was his mistress, who is 23 years younger than him, and was 27 when he was 50 years old. Everybody knows she's Catholic, but helped him cheat on his wife (big no-no with Catholics right?) and then converted Newt to Catholicism in 2009, where in, suddenly, he's a changed man and respects family values. Everybody know's he's got that huge Tiffiny's debt for Calista. Everybody knows he's up to his eyeballs in Freddie Mac, one of the dirtiest words in the GOP lexicon. Everybody knows he's a deep Washington insider and career beltway barnacle who's running as and "outsider" (thus he's lying about who and what he is). And then there's him breaking his "Contract with America," shutting down the government and wasting millions of dollars probing the Clintons for every single thing under the sun, and twice on Tuesdays.

Yet the GOP electorate is going for Newt like he's the last Bon-bon on Earth, despite knowing all of the above. The only way Newt can shoot himself in the foot is if he eats the children of the Duggar family on live TV. The GOP electorate loathes Mittens that much.
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