This came to me in an email, but the response is so great I just can't keep it to myself.
Before you read this article, please be aware that Congressman Womack has a FB Page as well. Please feel free to drop in every now and again and challenge some of the rhetoric on his page.Here is the link to his page Here is the link to our page if you are not already a fan AR-03: Womack Says Medicare/Social Security Responsible For Deficit; Censors Facebook Page
November 29th, 2011
By ARDem
The more Womack talks, the more I’m actually starting to believe this might be winnable…His opponent, Ken Aden, (who I might add is the best thing Arkansas Democrats have going for them right now), shot out his most recent press release nailing Womack on statements made on a local tv show.
In an interview last week, Congressman Steve Womack (R-Arkansas) made the shocking admission that he would cut both Social Security and Medicare to eliminate the deficit rather than looking toward revenue enhancements and forcing corporations and the wealthy to pay the same tax rates average Americans pay.
Womack told a Fort Smith TV station that Social Security and Medicare were to “blame” for the country’s deficit, and that both programs need to be “restructured.”
“These are programs that folks all over this country have paid into all their lives. They’ve earned the protection and security these programs provide. They aren’t entitlements, they are obligations from one generation to the next,” said Ken Aden, Democratic candidate for Congress from Arkansas’ Third District.
Aden also noted that Social Security and Medicare are not “to blame” for the deficit.
“The problem is not Social Security and Medicare. Tax cuts on the wealthy, large corporations, and the estates of America’s wealthiest families are the real reason that we have such large budget deficits,” Aden said.
“Balancing the budget with cuts to these programs—effectively balancing the budget on the backs of our senior citizens—is un-American and criminal. It also ignores the true cause of our deficits: the irresponsible tax cuts for corporations and investment managers that haven’t created the jobs we were promised,” he continued.
“The long-term deficit hysteria infecting Washington right now is completely counterproductive. The argument that Medicare must be abandoned is without merit and fails to take into account changes that have already been made to the program which will make it more efficient. Massive cuts to these programs needlessly hurts our economy and our elders. It’s time to put an end to this discussion and move on to real solutions to strengthen our finances and make America strong again,” he continued.
“Social Security and Medicare provided $617 million dollars in direct payments and healthcare benefits for the residents of Benton county alone in 2010. Cutting these programs is simply not an option,” Aden concluded.
Remember, this is the man who flat out refuses to raise taxes on the rich after acknowledging his constituents from all across the district begged him to do so. And no, Medicare and especially Social Security are not the causes of the deficit-it’s the tax cuts for billionaires, the bad economy, and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. But hey, if you’re a senior in the third district, Womack says eat dog food. He’s too busy representing the Waltons you know.
Every time Womack opens his mouth, Aden swings a punch and closes it for him. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an Arkansas Democrat running a campaign that’s near as feisty as this one. Womack, meanwhile, has apparently gotten tired of his constituents bringing up the campaign on his facebook page and has issued a blanket ban on “any campaign related debate.” He cites congressional ethics rules as the reason, but do I need to even say that I’m skeptical here? Last I checked, Congressional ethics rules applied to sitting Congressmen, not their constituents.
Just more reasons to throw Ken Aden some change on ActBlue.
Vote Ken up on DFA too! He needs national support and endorsements and only we can give it!