If you don't get it, let me try to help you.
For just a moment, try to forget the bumper stickers, forget the signs, forget the interviews. Forget the crowds and police violence.
Above all forget anything the nutcases on Fox have ever said. Seriously, everything. The nutcsses on Fox think that compassion is a code word for commie. They think selfishness is the purest and most important virtue. The respect Ann Rand, a woman who worshiped a unrepentant child mutilator, as a philosopher. They think Reagan, a man who celebrated the spread of AIDS, was the greatest president.
Look at all of the Republicans that have put themselves up as potential presidents in the last few elections. Doesn't look good does it. Look at the Blue Dog Democrats and how often they vote with the Republican Political Machine. Look at the Supreme Court and how the majority of them rule.
Look at the power and the lack of any internal or external restraint that the banks and Wall Street have. Look at all the moves going on to sell off education to secret low bidders. Look at all the moves to destroy or steal retirement funds, corporate, private, or public. Look at the constant attacks on Social Security.
Look at how, businesses can legally buy politicians. Look at how competing businesses must buy politicians to remain competitive.
How do you feel? Frustrated?
Now add compassion for your fellow man to that frustration and you have what fuels the Occupy movement.
Now do you understand?
Imagine that you want government to protect the weak from the strong, the kind from the cruel and the poor from the rich.
Now do you understand?