all non violent offenders who are doing time were re-sentenced to home confinement.
These stats are a couple years old but take a look at the percentages if you're at all curious. . . the surveillance technologies already so accessible there is no way it wouldn't be a heck of a lot cheaper, considerably more humane, and would more than likely lower the rates of recidivism in a vast majority of circumstances.
I've seen wild estimates of varying costs of incarceration from various locales around the country but most of 'em range from 30-60 grand per year. That's just nutz when if those imprisoned were earning that much they might have afforded better legal representation in the first place.
But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO politician dares address this issue for fear of appearing to be "weak on crime". So when the penal system is so clearly broken and utterly inhumane, they cast a blind eye to this heinously huge and outrageous costly source of our national shame.
That's despite draconian mandatory sentencing regulations that have motivated even some of the most conservative judges to hop off their benches.
Decriminalizing weed would free up a whole lot of wasted time and resources of our law enforcement forces, courts, and prison system, but more than most are well aware of that.
So much for our alleged representative legislature. Ughhh.
Have never met a violent pot head and seriously doubt I ever will.
Norquist's treasonous pledglings would rather roast the elderly, the sick, and the poor than ever dream of freeing those who don't warrant incarceration in theses times.
I've been going on about this for a while but was reminded of it today because of this thread. then reminded me of this. . .
It was cut from "Sicko" because no one would believe it. . . It's fascinating and really puts us to shame.
It addresses the prison system @ 5:27 but the intro is really informative about many facets of their culture and thoughtful long term priorities
Just sayin'