My friend/boss has the new iPhone, and is as much a liberal as I am, so I told him about what I have been reading here.
He then said into the phone "find me the closest abortion clinic" (paraphrased). It said it didn't know where he was and he had to change some settings. Then it did give him the information for a clinic.
The problem with the answer was that the clinic the phone gave us information for is in Cleveland Ohio while we were in a northeast suburb of Detroit Michigan at the time (Roseville).
I will admit that the way he phrased the question might be a problem. I'm not sure exactly what question he should have asked but he did say "abortion clinic". So I decided to do a Google search for "abortion clinic Roseville Mi" the link is provided here:,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=aa43ac570cbe89f3&biw=1024&bih=707I will admit that there does seem to be a problem here. The phrasing on my Google search was very similar to what the iPhone was asked for and the results are very different. I can't swear that it is simply a search engine problem but I can swear that the iPhone did give an answer (a bad one) when asked that question.
*Disclaimer* I don't own any Apple products. I never have owned any Apple products and I have no plans to purchase any in the near future. I am not a fan and I am not here trying to cover for them. I am just providing information that what I have witnessed does not directly coincide with what I have seen reported.