This idea springs from a thread
Start a movement of OWS bus caravans modeled on the civil rights era
Freedom Riders.
The caravans would move
very slowly through towns and cities across the country like traveling OWS camps. Advance teams could prep the media and scope out local Occupy issues in upcoming stops. Use social media to advertise the action. In each town the caravan could help set up an Occupy camp and use it as a place to hold teach-ins on global, national and local topics. Give the locals a forum to lead media-accessible workshops on their own issues. Conduct special direct action events as local opportunities present themselves (occupy a local CEO's driveway?). Seed the nucleus of a local Occupy presence if one doesn't already exist. Encourage locals to join into the caravan. Move on to the next town.
It's a facilitated local grass-roots consciousness-raising movement. It could run year-around, and would be a great way to keep the movement active and visible during the winter. It bypasses the MSM and goes straight to the 99% where they live.
Occupy Our CountryWhat are your thoughts and ideas?